Shift, Break, Control - North

Shift, Break, Control - North

30.01.2009 12:00

Can we still argue from an institutionalist point of view for solutions if our major institutions have become part
of the problem? This is the main question that will be addressed in this session. Claudia Kemfert will explain how for her climate change could be the economic driver of our future and if it still can be the key engine of
society. Lorenz Petersen proposes a framework that takes an institutionalist perspective, focusing on the goods and services provided by natural resources rather than on the resource itself.

In Cooperation with KWI Essen

Can we still argue from an institutionalist point of view for solutions if our major institutions have become part
of the problem? This is the main question that will be addressed in this session. Claudia Kemfert will explain how for her climate change could be the economic driver of our future and if it still can be the key engine of
society. Lorenz Petersen proposes a framework that takes an institutionalist perspective, focusing on the goods and services provided by natural resources rather than on the resource itself.

In cooperation with KWI Essen
