Claudia Kemfert

Claudia Kemfert

Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert is Professor of Energy Economics at Humboldt University of Berlin and Head of the department Energy, Transportation, Environment at the German Institute of Economic Research (DIW Berlin) since April 2004. She is an expert in the areas of energy and climate economics. Claudia Kemfert has published a book in autumn 2008 named “The other climate future – innovation instead of depression” ( Claudia Kemfert advises EU president José Manuel Barroso in a "High level Group on Energy", and she acts as an external expert for the World Bank, the United Nations and the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC). She got an award from DAAD and was honoured in 2006 as top German Scientist from the German research foundation ("Elf der Wissenschaft 2006"). Claudia Kemfert is member of the expert commission of Niedersachsen, of the sustainability advisory councils of the state Baden-Württemberg (Germany) and Brandenburg (Germany). Besides she acts as scientific advisor of the Austrian Institute of Economics (WIFO) and of the Energy Institute at University of Linz, and she is member of the editorial board of Energy Economics, Gaia and Energy Efficiency. She is jury member of prices inititated by the German president Horst Köhler “365 places as place of ideas” and “ecoglobe”. Claudia Kemfert studied economics at Oldenburg, Bielefeld (Germany) and Stanford University (USA). Claudia Kemfert worked for the Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) (Italy) and Stuttgart University (Institute for Rational Energy Use). She gave lectures at the universities of St. Petersburg (2003/04), Moscow (2000/01) und Siena (1998, 2002/03). Claudia Kemfert was Associate Professor and headed a PhD research group at Oldenburg University. She was the first associate professor in Germany who got a tenured professor position. She is project manager of diverse research projects about environmental and energy policy strategies, and she is engaged in different networks like the Energy Modeling Forum (EMF) at Stanford University.
