Multimedia 4: Instant Archaeology (KHM)

Multimedia 4: Instant Archaeology (KHM)

11.02.1995 16:00

"The storage of goods only sets in when both sides stop gaining profit from or showing interest in an exchange and thus do not desire it any longer. “ Deleuze/Guattari. The Real-Time Bundary - CD-ROM between Event and Computer Memory
In a working paper we will ex­ plain the different concepts of time we came up against when developing an interactive, documentative Symposion. Our goal was to create a CD-ROM for documentational purposes during a symposion called "Po­wers of Imagination, " ready to be operated on the last day of the event. Even in the conceptual phase of the October '94 symposion it became clear that a separation of editorial, design and technical capacities could not produce any satisfactory results. During the symposion it be­ came even more evident that those three areas increasingly interlocked. Decisions regarding the definition of the CD-ROM production became a necessity in the production phase following the event. This phase obviously did not occur simultaneously with the event documented, but instead with the usual time-lag of any memory medium. Up for discussion is the intersection of memory media and real-time media.


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