Meeting of Berlin based New Media Spaces and Curators


Meeting of Berlin based New Media Spaces and Curators

Open meeting about Project Spaces and curatorial initiatives concentrating on New Media in Berlin |

Saturday, 7 July 19:00, Panke e. V., Gerichtsstr. 23, Hof 5, 13347 Berlin, U6 / S-Bahn Ring / Wedding

In the context of developing a network platform among artists and curators, Panke and Art Laboratory Berlin are following the thread initiated by our first open discussion during reSource 001 Trial Crack by promoting an open meeting between media art spaces in Berlin on Saturday, 7 July at 19:00 at Panke e. V. (Gerichtsstr. 23, Hof 5., 13347 Berlin. U-Bahn 6, S-Bahn Ring, Station Wedding).


Panke e.V. and Art Laboratory Berlin would like to invite you to a meeting of Project Spaces and curatorial initiatives concentrating on New Media.


Berlin has over 400 commercial galleries and 150 non-commercial project spaces. In a scene still dominated by traditional media, how can spaces concentrating on innovative works in New Media, technology and the borders of the arts, science and technology raise their profile, attract a larger public, and gain access to more funding? We suggest creating a series of regular meetings, where curators and organizers can exchange information, search for synergies, and discuss common strategies for PR, fundraising and more. Our first meeting will be to discuss our common needs and goals and decide how we can best cooperate to achieve these. Bring your questions and ideas.


Possible areas for discussion may include, but are not limited too:

How can we raise the profile of 21st Century arts (New Media, technologically driven art, Electronic Music, Bio-art, Science Art, etc) in Berlin?

What are the possibilities for common publicity platforms for spaces (e.g. a blog, website or flyer devoted to New Media exhibitions)?

Possible strategies for funding. Arts vs. science, technology or educational funding. Partnerships with arts, educational or research organizations. Raising awareness at local, city and federal level of New Media arts projects to increase funding possibilities. Other ideas?

Connecting to a larger public. What is our position in the city of Berlin?

Do we want to provide our activities for a select public or to introduce our projects to a larger public? How do we go about doing this?


This will also be a chance to come together and get to know one another better. After the meeting we would also like to invite you to the audio visual event: Nothing around here is mioe.

A solidary running-into-a-tree.

Live performance Mioe Visuals by Christopher


Image: A. Bran


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