


In line with the festival's new name and expanded concept, the exhibition section o f the transmediale includes all the different categories ofmedia art, even ifsome ofthe exhibits are only loosely connected with the field o f video. While this approach brought about a more open selection policy, nothing changed in regard to our programmatic search for work that demonstrates intensive artistic confrontation with the new media and the search for a distinctive and individual artistic imprint. These aspects governed a choice o f works we hope w ill rouse the visitors' curiosity, win some o f their time and attention, and stimulate discussion. Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag's sound installation ,,N-spiral" in the staircase o f the exhibition area documents the full reach o f the open policy. Using various psychological and acoustical phenomena to produce an almost visual sensation o f three- dimensional space, it makes recipients the focus o f their own perception. „ Throatlight", an installation by Caspar Stracke, falls between experimental filmmaking and light object. The usage of lenses and glass pistons in conjunction with idiosyncratically linked image and light projections imbues the archaistic installation with the aura o f an alchemist's workshop. Doris Vila's artistic explorations centre on holography. Like in all her work, the holographic lenses deployed in the installation „Overviewofafree-guilteconomy"actaselementsofform and content composing the frame in which her video projections are shown. Studio Azzurro is one o f the internationally best known artists' groups working in the field o f new media. The more recent interactive video installations produced by the group have been ever-more sensitive Gesamtkunstwerke - products testifying to the studio's m any years o f examining different aspects o f video, theatre, performance and film. CORO is a work no visitor to the festival can side-step - literally.


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