Urban Knights and reSource


Urban Knights and reSource

Urban Knights logo
Urban Knights logo

On the 5th of November the Urban Knights is taking place in Berlin for the third time this autumn. The event starts at 7 pm in the Betahaus at Prinzessinenstrasse. A reSource project presentation takes place there at this time.

The curator of our reSource project Tatiana Bazzichelli is participating in the Urban Knights event at Betahaus on the 5th of November. Urban Knights is a programme of events, which provokes and promotes practical approaches to urban change. Established in Dublin, this autumn the programme travelled to Berlin and is now happening here for the third time this autumn.


Urban Knights brings together people who are actively creating alternatives, which reflect or produce disruptions to our given city infrastructures, norms and perceptions. This time also the reSource transmedial culture berlin is participating in the discussion.


Acting as a platform for awareness, exchange and dissemination, Urban Knights, change agents and citizens present their civic interventions, projects and programmes.


Format of the events:


At each event speakers present and discuss their work for 10-mins, followed by questions and conversations with the audience.


Speakers on the 5th of November:


Ela Kagel (DE)

Independent curator and Director of SUPERMARKT, the creative resource center in Berlin-Wedding discusses what it takes to turn a disused building into a collaborative urban work space.


Tom Hansing (DE)

Provides insights from the Werkstatt-Lastenrad cargo-building project and explains their approach to collective, design and prototyping.


Fritz Schlüter (DE)

Cultural anthropologist and sound researcher examines the ‘sound’ of Berlins, Soldiner Kiez area and relates its tones to how we perceive so-called problem neighborhoods in the city.


Tatiana Bazzichelli (IT/DE)

Writer, researcher and curator discusses her motivations for developing reSource, the year-round programme of events and workshops, which is part of Berlin’s transmediale festival.


Hosted/Curated by: Teresa Dillon

Kick off at 19.00

Finishes at 21.00

Where: Betahaus, Prinzessinenstr. 19-20 10969 Berlin


More information:

Web: urbanknights.org

Twitter: @TeresaHacks

Hashtag: #UrbanKnights

Facebook: http://on.fb.me/HwH5r5



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