PhD workshop 2013: Researching BWPWAP


PhD workshop 2013: Researching BWPWAP

Researching BWPWAP reflected on the festival theme of the following year, BWPWAP (Back When Pluto Was a Planet). Like the festival, it interrogated techno-cultural processes of displacement and invention, asking for artistic and speculative responses to new cultural imaginaries.

The second PhD workshop, Researching BWPWAP, was organized by transmediale in cooperation with Aarhus University and Leuphana University of Lüneburg. It took place from 22 to 24 November 2012 and reflected on the festival theme of the following year, BWPWAP (Back When Pluto Was a Planet). Like the festival, it interrogated techno-cultural processes of displacement and invention, asking for artistic and speculative responses to new cultural imaginaries. Can we act like BWPWAP and at same time redefine present and future cultural practices, inventing networks out of place and out of time?


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